Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Love Pocky

I swear by it, my "staple chocolate". Pocky Almond Crush.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bling Bling

As my birthday is coming, Guan is almost pulling his hair to think what to get for me. LOL. Seeing him so stressed, I decided to help him. I brought him to Swarovski, pretending to take a look, meanwhile and gave a very obvious hint on what item to get. But unfortunately for him, the piece that I fancied was out of stock in that particular outlet! Haha, so I gave him a "backup plan", which is another necklace on my wish list. But now, the more I look at the "backup necklace", the more I like it. More than the original No.1. Maybe I need to hint him again, to get this for me. Hehe. Or should I ask him to read my blog? *wink, wink*

Monday, August 27, 2007

Stench in my Baby FIT!! Wet market smell!!

Ergh, my Baby Fit has a stench! The moment I opened the door, a stench welcomed me. Early in the morning! What a day to start! Was wondering where did the smell come from? Maybe it was the food from yesterday? Or the fish from the market on Saturday? Or any dead insects/pests in the aircon duct? No matter what, I have to buy some air freshener during lunch and sprayed it into my car after when I reached my office. Almost suffocated myself with the freshener after the deed. LOL. And Denise was complaining smelling like wet market... hahaha...

After some inspection, yupz, it was the fish! Ergh! Told my family to be more careful when they take my car for some marketing. NO MORE STENCH! Poor Baby FIT. I have to clear up the mess and again, suffocated myself with the air freshener with lotz of spraying. Super kaisu, just in case.