Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gothic Cupcakes

Another new batch of cupcakes. These cupcakes are baked to cheer up Guan, as he is feeling low recently. Since black and pink colour combination are his favourites, I baked the cupcakes with these colours schemes. Not bad, looks gothic. But don't know my family can accept the black colour buttercream or not. Hehehe....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This is so sweet. From Pinks and Needles, Esty.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My first attempt on decorating cupcakes

TaaDaa!! My first attempt on decorating the cupcakes on my own. Well, taste is okay but the colour of the buttercream did not come out as what I have expected. I'm going to try it again!!! But the washing and cleaning part after the baking is no joke!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


There is one kind of fear I will probably NEVER, EVER overcome. LIZARDS! Please save me from them! Help!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Redecorating my living room

Take a peep into my living room! My diaplay cabinet has arrived. Yeah! And the wall decal is up as well. I like it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cuppies Craze

I am crazy about cupcakes now! Went for a hands-on cupcake decorating workshop on Sunday and had alot of fun making small flowers for the decoration. As I had finished my flowers earlier than then rest of the class and with some extra leftover fondant, I decided to play with it (think as playing with playdough). *Grinz*

TaaDaa! The final product! A purple and blue Magic Toadstool! But don't think I will eat that. Hahaha...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Furnishing my living room

New project! Finally I can get to redecorate my living room. But alas, seem like I cannot get Shabby Chic style furnitures for my living room. Maybe the style is not popular in S'pore. So in the end, I have to custom made a display cabinet.

Yeah! Finally I can show off my whole collection of toys! Wooh!!

After this, another custom made wall decal to spice up my living room. Inspiration came from my birdcage collection and also from internet. Haha, can't wait to see how's my new living room going to look like.

But wait, there's a minus point, I couldn't find a matching shoe cabinet for my new living room. Guess that have to wait as my budget is tight as well.