Saturday, April 25, 2009

All efforts gone

Today I had de-kit my "baby". While waiting for the mechanics to dekit my car, I look at "her"and felt my tears swelling up. The feeling is kinda like of heart pain when you have lost your favourite thing. Of all my modifications, I love my HKS exhuast. I love its low roaring sound when I start my engine or ramp my engine. So when the buyer drove away with my exhaust, roaring with the familiar sound, I kinda of feeling sad. Because I know that I will never hear that kind of low roaring sound when I drive my car.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bye bye my "baby"

These few days I have been trying to get buyers to buy the kits from the car. And I am going to de-kit her this Saturday. Negotiation of selling her is undergoing too. Somehow, I have already start to feel sad that she is going to leave me. After all, in the past whenever I was sad or stress, I will drive her around and feel much better after the ride.

Although once awhile, she will start to throw tempers and give me problems, but still, she is my first "baby". And sadly, she still has not served her mission or the reason why I bought her.

Hopefully, the buyer will love my "baby". Bye bye my "baby".

Saturday, April 11, 2009


After April, I will be selling my "Baby Fit". But I am very very very reluctant to sell her away. I always feel that cars are extensions of their owner, and you can see their personalities and likes shown in the cars. Even de-kit her is a painful process for me before selling her away. As if I am slowly making part of me "disappear". This morning, I even felt that my tears swelled up when I remembered that I have to de-kit my favourite "Ah Lian exhaust".

And I think, I will miss her very very much after I had sell her. Wish that I have the ability to keep her but alas.

My Baby Fit. I will miss you

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another meaningful quote

有人说, 当所有的门都关闭了, 上帝会开起一扇窗. 只要你有耐心的寻找它.