Monday, September 8, 2008


Over the weekend, my friends and I organised a BBQ to celebrate the September Babies' birthdays (including yours truly). And Guan had specially ordered cupcakes from Cupcake Culture for me. The cupcakes were so pretty! However due to some accident, someone fell and spoiled the cupcakes. I was so angry with that person as she did not even apologise! And then so much effort from Guan, from looking for the cupcakes, to order and to collect, we did not even have a chance to appreciate the cupcakes.

Luckily, I did manage to take some photos before the accident. And I ate the cupcakes despite the whole box of cupcakes were in a mess. If I have not taken the photos, I think, I will scream and scold that person! But I do want to say, those cupcakes are yummy and compare to other cupcakes, the Cupcake Culture's cupcakes are not too sweet, which suit me fine.

Hopefully in future, such accident will not happen again.