Thursday, December 3, 2009

Life is never a bed of roses

Whenever I am getting very comfy with my life, Life always has something in store for me. My life is filled with so many ups and downs, that at certain points, I feel like throwing in the white towel. No matter what I do, there bound to be hiccups and problems. After solving 1 problem, another cropped up. I never ask for a bed of roses but a normal life like everyone else.

Just when I thought I have conquered a problem that has been bugging me and almost drove me insane, it has comes back haunting me again. When can I ever overcome this problem once for all.
I really hate this feeling and it is driving me crazy, SOON!

Whatever it is, I pray hard that I have the strength and will to overcome it and never come back to bug me again.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


As I have become older and has gone through many dark hours and happy experiences, I have come to understand that, only family will give you unconditional love. Only they will stand by you, and be there for you through good times and bad times. Everything else is fake or superficial. When things happened, you can see who is real and who is fake. Who is willingly being there for you or who is using the excuse that they are busy. Even people that you thought they were your true good friends.

It is kind of sad for me as I am sincere to befriend them, to be their good friends. Sincerely want to by their sides if they need me, if they want someone to listen to their problems, to share their joys and happiness, to help them whatever I can if they need my help. But seem like fair-weathered friends are many but true friends are few. Very few and hard to find indeed.

And is through this kind of friends, I have come to appreciate my family more and more. Although we may have quarrels and disagreements at times, but I still love them deeply. Especially my mum. If not for her being by my side at my darkest hours, I will not be here, writing this blog. Or neither have the courage to seek happiness again, if she hasn't encouraged me. That's why I love my mum and want to thank her for being by my side and always be there for me when nobody is.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Baking = Destress session

I baked again. This time I have tried something new, coffee flavour. Taste quite nice but abit sweet though.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Another attempt!!

Okay, this is another baking session, sort of a de-stress session for myself. But this time round, everything is wrong! The cupcakes has over flowed from the paper cups, the icing sugar doesn't mix well into the buttercream, causing the buttercream to taste powdery. Ergh, I will do well next round.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My macarons are in pink! Abuthen?

I like these! These macarons are bought by Guan and he specially brought me to buy it. The macarons are from Artisan Sweets and look, even the packaging is sweet. The macarons are not too sweet, which suits me. And of course, I finished it up!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wedding preparation

Look at the macarons. Pink macarons with black cream, how cool is that. If not for our chinese traditional beliefs, I don't mind a black and pink theme. Hurhur... How cool is that.

From www.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Baby all bare

No, this is not the magical winning numbers for TOTO or 4D but total mileage which I had drove my "Baby Fit". Finally I am going to hand her over to the car dealer on Tuesday. Tonight is my last ride with her. Kind of feeling very sad when I drove back home. I can even feel my tears swelling up.

This afternoon I had stripped her bare, taking out all the accessories. It is weird to see her all bare, as if I had just took the car over from the car dealer. Almost like someone else car.

When I told Guan that I was sad, he told me that in future, I will able to own a ride again. Well, I hope so too. After all, to me, having my own ride is not just a mode of transport but a hobby as well.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

All efforts gone

Today I had de-kit my "baby". While waiting for the mechanics to dekit my car, I look at "her"and felt my tears swelling up. The feeling is kinda like of heart pain when you have lost your favourite thing. Of all my modifications, I love my HKS exhuast. I love its low roaring sound when I start my engine or ramp my engine. So when the buyer drove away with my exhaust, roaring with the familiar sound, I kinda of feeling sad. Because I know that I will never hear that kind of low roaring sound when I drive my car.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bye bye my "baby"

These few days I have been trying to get buyers to buy the kits from the car. And I am going to de-kit her this Saturday. Negotiation of selling her is undergoing too. Somehow, I have already start to feel sad that she is going to leave me. After all, in the past whenever I was sad or stress, I will drive her around and feel much better after the ride.

Although once awhile, she will start to throw tempers and give me problems, but still, she is my first "baby". And sadly, she still has not served her mission or the reason why I bought her.

Hopefully, the buyer will love my "baby". Bye bye my "baby".

Saturday, April 11, 2009


After April, I will be selling my "Baby Fit". But I am very very very reluctant to sell her away. I always feel that cars are extensions of their owner, and you can see their personalities and likes shown in the cars. Even de-kit her is a painful process for me before selling her away. As if I am slowly making part of me "disappear". This morning, I even felt that my tears swelled up when I remembered that I have to de-kit my favourite "Ah Lian exhaust".

And I think, I will miss her very very much after I had sell her. Wish that I have the ability to keep her but alas.

My Baby Fit. I will miss you

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another meaningful quote

有人说, 当所有的门都关闭了, 上帝会开起一扇窗. 只要你有耐心的寻找它.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


随着岁月, 我觉的人的生命是脆弱的, 健康是无价的. 就算是有多么的富有, 有多么的幸福, 没有了健康, 什么都没用了. 拥有了幸福, 却害怕死亡. 无奈.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weird sense of humour

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nice and romantic dinner

This evening I had a post-celebration of our anniversary with Guan. After much research on web, I found this restaurant, Le Bistrot at the stadium. It served French cuisine.

I had Grilled Tuna and Guan had Pork Loin. And the dessert was Lemon Tart with vanilla ice-cream. I found that food were nice but Guan said his was abit salty for him. Guess that he is not used to French cuisine.

And not to forget to mention about this restaurant, the staffs are very attentive and friendly. Thumbs up for their service!

Pardon for the pictures are blur, as I took the pictures without the flash. I do not want to disturb other patrons.

Grilled Tuna, I ate abit and realised I forgot to take the picture. Hehe...

The Pork Loin.

The Lemon Tart with vanilla ice-cream.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another quote to share


什么样的执拙? 对爱? 对人? 对事?...

Monday, March 9, 2009

BoHO wedding dress

Found this vintage boho style wedding dress on ebay. So cool. Maybe I should consider an alternative theme for my wedding, Boho style! But it is so "un-me". Definitely not for Guan too. Haha.. And definitely, our parents cannot accept this theme, "Boho? What's that?".

So cute

This cake is from The Patissier. Look at the frying pan, looks so real!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

V.Day flowers from Guan

A nice surprise from Guan on V.Day. Pretty. But I got another even bigger surprise from him. Bling Bling!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This really cracked me up

This picture is from CakeWrecks. Really cracked me up on this V. day. Hahaha...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My own personal security guard

I have my own personal security guard! That's Garfield! He always sleep in a corner, next to my flower pots. This seem to be its usual activity to spend the noon to take its nap in that corner. And he loves to walk here and there along the corridor, like a security guard. I always joke with Guan that Garfield is my personal security guard, has shift time to guard in front of my place, and loves to patrol the corridor. Hehehe....

Look at its fierce eyes.. meow!

Catching a wink during its "shift"... hehe...

Friday, January 30, 2009


This cat loves to loiter around my place and it always cuddles and sleep in the corner, next to my flower pots. I named it Garfield because it is orange in colour. Meow!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The longest walk

On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, I had a long walk from the beginning of Canopy Walk (Normaton Park) to Vivocity. It was probably the longest walk I ever had. We took 2 hours to finish the walk! Although we are tired, we had a sense of accomplishment!

The forest trail
Sunflower at HortPark

The Alexandra Bridge
The bridge is soooo long!! And look at the height!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Love is like rain??

I picked up this quote from a movie, "love is like rain, when it has stopped, it will leave water puddles, like marks on your heart (or memories in your heart)".

But to this quote, I feel that it is too sad. Does that mean that love is short and just a passing phase? There isn't a lasting relationship and bond between 2 persons?

I feel that no matter what kind of relationship, there is no bed of roses. There is always "work" to do. Communication, understanding etc. Be it 3-months, 1-year, or even a 10-year relationship, we all have to work on it. Maybe we should say that there are phases in relationship. Hot and warm summer like the honeymoon period, cold and bitter winter during the cold war period...

So why don't we work hard in all our relationships, rather than waiting for the "rain" stop, giving love a death sentence?