Friday, December 26, 2008

Mini cupcakes!

These mini cupcakes were for my aunt's Xmas party and this was my first attempt to bake in smaller sizes. And for the pink buttercream, I used a new recipe, so it was easier to achieve the light pink colour. I liked it, it looks sweet!

Friday, December 19, 2008

My ugly sugar cookies

My first attempt on baking sugar cookies. UGLY! Hehehe....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Sometimes I find that it is very difficult to find a listening ear. Besides Guan, my friends all have their own stress and problems. At times they want to talk about it or need a listening ear. Although I tried very hard to be a listening ear for them but there are also times when I need them to listen to me as well. Yet, everyone is so busy talking about their own problems and ignored to listen.

Is everyone drowned in their problems, living in their own bubble and forget to listen? I can't help but to feel lonely at times, especially when no one listen to me.

Talking is so easy to do but listening? It is a virtue.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gothic Cupcakes

Another new batch of cupcakes. These cupcakes are baked to cheer up Guan, as he is feeling low recently. Since black and pink colour combination are his favourites, I baked the cupcakes with these colours schemes. Not bad, looks gothic. But don't know my family can accept the black colour buttercream or not. Hehehe....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This is so sweet. From Pinks and Needles, Esty.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My first attempt on decorating cupcakes

TaaDaa!! My first attempt on decorating the cupcakes on my own. Well, taste is okay but the colour of the buttercream did not come out as what I have expected. I'm going to try it again!!! But the washing and cleaning part after the baking is no joke!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


There is one kind of fear I will probably NEVER, EVER overcome. LIZARDS! Please save me from them! Help!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Redecorating my living room

Take a peep into my living room! My diaplay cabinet has arrived. Yeah! And the wall decal is up as well. I like it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cuppies Craze

I am crazy about cupcakes now! Went for a hands-on cupcake decorating workshop on Sunday and had alot of fun making small flowers for the decoration. As I had finished my flowers earlier than then rest of the class and with some extra leftover fondant, I decided to play with it (think as playing with playdough). *Grinz*

TaaDaa! The final product! A purple and blue Magic Toadstool! But don't think I will eat that. Hahaha...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Furnishing my living room

New project! Finally I can get to redecorate my living room. But alas, seem like I cannot get Shabby Chic style furnitures for my living room. Maybe the style is not popular in S'pore. So in the end, I have to custom made a display cabinet.

Yeah! Finally I can show off my whole collection of toys! Wooh!!

After this, another custom made wall decal to spice up my living room. Inspiration came from my birdcage collection and also from internet. Haha, can't wait to see how's my new living room going to look like.

But wait, there's a minus point, I couldn't find a matching shoe cabinet for my new living room. Guess that have to wait as my budget is tight as well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chic and Pink!

Totally in love with this room. With Pink!

And I am looking around for this kind of display cabinets. And REALLY looking hard for it. From Laura Ashley.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shabby Chic

I love Shabby Chic furnitures. I want them for my living room!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Miniature Toys

I always have a soft spot for miniature stuffs and love to collect all those cute miniatures, especially Re-ment toys. And today, I chanced upon emilystrange74's flicker photo collections. OMG! She has almost the whole collection from Re-ment stuffs. And I do have some of the collections. After seeing her photos, it make me feel like going back to full swing into my collections again. LOL.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ostrich Ride anyone?

Well, I have seen carousel horse design for wall vinyl but ostrich??

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

These are REAL cakes! No kidding

Yes, these are real cakes, real edible cakes! No KIDDING!!! These cakes are from Mike's Amazing Cakes. Oh, how adorable are they. I want the Mini Cooper Cake!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chocolate Overdose!!!

Okay, this is an overdue post. As my birthday was approaching, the girls wanted to celebrate it for me. So I suggested the Chocolate Buffet at The Fullerton Hotel to "kahtok" them. *evil grin*

When we saw the spread, we were skeptic about it. The spread was not big and not that impressive either. And the girls were worried about not having filling their tummy with those desserts as the buffet does not serve dinner. But they were WRONG!

We were filled with chocolate overdose, that to a point, we felt abit sick. Hahaha. The girls prefer to stick to "proper dinner” celebration and of cos, alot of complaining from them. :P

Okay, back to food review. I don't really like the cakes as I think the cakes are too sweet for me and too thick too. But I like the fondue as they served strawberries, marshmallows, apricots and little kamquats (kamquats?). But there was this dessert made of cherries soaked in liquor. The liquor is so strong that I can feel the alcohol burning down my throat. Well, too bad that I was driving on that night, if not, I will definitely down more of the cherries. I LOVE liquor cherries!

But then, given that the Buffet's charges are expensive, I don't think I will go back there again. Unless they really expand their spread with more variety.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Over the weekend, my friends and I organised a BBQ to celebrate the September Babies' birthdays (including yours truly). And Guan had specially ordered cupcakes from Cupcake Culture for me. The cupcakes were so pretty! However due to some accident, someone fell and spoiled the cupcakes. I was so angry with that person as she did not even apologise! And then so much effort from Guan, from looking for the cupcakes, to order and to collect, we did not even have a chance to appreciate the cupcakes.

Luckily, I did manage to take some photos before the accident. And I ate the cupcakes despite the whole box of cupcakes were in a mess. If I have not taken the photos, I think, I will scream and scold that person! But I do want to say, those cupcakes are yummy and compare to other cupcakes, the Cupcake Culture's cupcakes are not too sweet, which suit me fine.

Hopefully in future, such accident will not happen again.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My new toy!

Woo~ Finally own a cotton candy maker toy! It is a gift from Guan as my birthday present. And he DID managed to find this wonderful present! So sweet of him and boy! I was so touched that he made the effort to search and buy this pressie.

Tadah! I tried to make my 1st cotton candy! The first attempt was bad as I did not spin the cone around the bowl fast enough, therefore the "web" harden into crystalised sugar on the bowl's edge.

Okay, so I tried again. But 2nd time, there was too much sugar in the bowl, causing the sugar to "fly" around and all over the floor. Ergh, more mess!

But I got the cotton candy in the correct shape! Due to my unpolished skill, alot of sugar was wasted as it crystalised around the bowl and one box of sugar cost $5! Nah, never mind, I am sure that I can practice and perfect my "cotton candy making skill". Hehe, wonder what will Guan say if I present him a nice and fluffy cotton candy. Maybe I can even set up a booth selling these at Pasar Malam. LOL.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fear and Strength

When the past haunts me, I pray for strength and hope to pull me thru. It takes even more strength to forgive and forget those who had hurt me, and caused me to grief.

Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.-- August Wilson

Sunday, August 31, 2008


其是, 人最大的敌人是自己的恐惧与仇恨

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Sometimes, I wonder am I in the right place at the right time? There are times when I question myself, why do I choose this line. Passion? Choices? People always say to be great, one needs passion. But time over time, expectations, restrictions and limitations often dampen my passion. How much more passion do I have to last me, to push me forward? I wonder.

This is the 2nd time that I question my choice, facing the "mid-life" crisis. All those dreams that I had when I was younger, were shattered by the reality. Wahaha... But I do wish to have the burning passion that I once had, to push me forward.

Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing.-- Donald Trump

So what makes good print magazine?

Image from PingMag

Lifted from Ping Mag:
"Making magazines is a very specialized thing. Even for designers it takes a while to learn. But to make a good magazine, as a designer, you do influence and contribute to the content too. As an editor, you influence and contribute to the design as well. The key for me is that design and content are absolutely aligned and united. You can sense whether the makers of a magazine are enjoying it or not and you can see it when you leaf through the pages. That is personality!"

And I am still learning on what is a good design...

Monday, August 25, 2008

I agree with this quote and I have never regretted it(to him)...

The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're alive.-- Orlando A. Battista

Heart and Mind

"Wait until your heart and head agree."

I read this sentence from a blog, on a topic about relationship. The blog discussed about having your heart and your mind to agree in terms of choosing a life partner, NOT choosing blindly nor using logic.

But since when THIS moment can happen? For we cannot control our hearts nor our heads can tell us how we should feel.

Keep on searching folks...

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.-- Lao Tzu

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cupcake sweeties!

Don't know for what reason, for the past few days, I'm so into cupcakes! They look so pretty that I can't bear to eat them! Pretty decorations with nice colours combinations, giving you different style, moods, statements. Be it for weddings or birthdays, the cupcakes can be decorated for the right occassions. It can even look Gothic! Black cupcakes! How about that, ha!

I'm so amazed by those nice pretty little cakes that I am tempted to go for workshops to learn how to decorate. Aha! Wait till I whip out my dusty old baking wares... Haha... Think Guan will have to be my first guinea pig!
Hmmm, can't wait to get my hands to start to bake these pretty little things. And be sure, I will use my favourite colour combination, brown and pink! Or tiffany blue with brown? Or pink and black? So much choices! LOL.

Anyway I even get Guan to get those cute little cupcakes for my bday!.. Haha.. talking about thick skin.... Poor Guan!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Anyone knows where can I get this toy?

Recently I am craving for candy floss and I prefer those "freshly" made type, not those pre-packed into plastic bags ones. So I am trying to search around for those candy floss maker toy. I remembered see it somewhere but can't recall now. Does anybody know where can I get this toy?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Engrish in Bangkok

Went to jatujak market during my trip to Bangkok and had my lunch there. But when the staff gave me the menu, nearly fell off my chair laughing after reading it. Cos, my mum wanted to have some plain water but I told her,they don't have it. Because they only have "pain water"!.. Hahaha....