Monday, September 15, 2008

Chocolate Overdose!!!

Okay, this is an overdue post. As my birthday was approaching, the girls wanted to celebrate it for me. So I suggested the Chocolate Buffet at The Fullerton Hotel to "kahtok" them. *evil grin*

When we saw the spread, we were skeptic about it. The spread was not big and not that impressive either. And the girls were worried about not having filling their tummy with those desserts as the buffet does not serve dinner. But they were WRONG!

We were filled with chocolate overdose, that to a point, we felt abit sick. Hahaha. The girls prefer to stick to "proper dinner” celebration and of cos, alot of complaining from them. :P

Okay, back to food review. I don't really like the cakes as I think the cakes are too sweet for me and too thick too. But I like the fondue as they served strawberries, marshmallows, apricots and little kamquats (kamquats?). But there was this dessert made of cherries soaked in liquor. The liquor is so strong that I can feel the alcohol burning down my throat. Well, too bad that I was driving on that night, if not, I will definitely down more of the cherries. I LOVE liquor cherries!

But then, given that the Buffet's charges are expensive, I don't think I will go back there again. Unless they really expand their spread with more variety.


House of Chow said...

Nah we are not complaining! We're hungry. Hah Hah ... no more chocolate buffet for now!